Reports API Version 2 Audit


The audit section of the report API allows you to view activities and changes made within the Infinity platform.

Audit Log

Retrieves audit log entries for a particular IGRP.


GET /reports/v2/igrps/{IGRP SPECIFIER}/audit

URL Path Params

GET Params

Filter Types

Audit logs may be filtered by any of the report fields.

Sort Types

Audit logs may be sorted by any of the report fields.


Returns a list of audit log entries.

Not all of these fields will be populated for each log entry. If a field is blank or missing then it is not relevant to that log entry.

{"_id":"53344546f2370ad4176f1d16","dt":"2014-03-27 15:35:34","app":"portal","user":"","act":"igrpLand","userId":123,"orgId":123,"orgName":"Some Org","igrp"123,"igrpName":"Some IGRP"}
{"_id":"5334447df2370ac2176f1d16","dt":"2014-03-27 15:32:13","app":"portal","user":"","act":"igrpLand","userId":1234,"orgId":1234,"orgName":"Some Other Org","igrp":1234,"igrpName":"Some Other IGRP"}

IGRP User Activity

Retrieves a user activity summary for a particular IGRP.


GET /reports/v2/igrps/{IGRP SPECIFIER}/audit/userActivity

URL Path Params

GET Params

Filter Types

User activity may be filtered by any of the report fields.

Sort Types

User activity may be sorted by any of the report fields.


Returns a summary of user activity based on audit log entries. This report shows when users log in to the Infinity portal.

{"_id":"53344dfef7a3f431900fcbda","app":"portal","firstLandDt":"2014-03-27 16:12:46","igrp":123,"igrpName":"Some IGRP","landCount":1,"lastLandDt":"2014-03-27 16:12:46","orgId":123,"orgName":"Some Org","user":"","userId":123}
{"_id":"53344c80f7a3f431900fcbd9","app":"portal","firstLandDt":"2014-03-24 12:43:27","igrp":1234,"igrpName":"Some Other IGRP","landCount":2,"lastLandDt":"2014-03-27 16:06:24","orgId":1234,"orgName":"Some Other Org","user":"","userId":1234}