Config API Version 2 Oauth2


Infinity integrates with several third party systems.

To do so, we need to authenticate against their own APIs with credentials and account references.

Each account requires credentials in order to access its data. Those credentials can be either basic auth (a username and password) or oAuth2 (a refresh token).

For oAuth2, you must first create an auth session, use that session key to grant access to Infinity for the given client’s data, then finally submit the session key to the appropriate create or update route.

The oAuth2 process is more complicated than basic auth but is considered more secure as the password and refresh token are kept private within each system.

Create oAuth2 Session

Creates a new authentication session using oAuth2. The authentication session will last for approx 10 minutes which should be long enough to link an account.

The returned authSessionKey should be stored for later use, and the end user should be directed to the returned authUri so they can grant or deny access.


POST /config/v2/oauth2/session

POST Params

This is a list of supported appCodes:


Returns details of the new authentication session. Returns a “201 - CREATED” response code to indicate success.

Response example:


Read oAuth2 Session

Read details of an existing oAuth2 authentication session.

This may be useful to check the status of an existing session, before using it to manage accounts.

Note there are additional details of the session that are not shown here. This includes any access or refresh tokens, in order to keep them private.


GET /config/v2/oauth2/session/{authSessionKey}

URL Path Params


Returns details of the existing authentication session. Returns a “200 - OK” response code to indicate success. If the session does not exist or has expired, a “404 - NOT FOUND” response will be returned with no data.

Response example:

HTTP 200 - OK