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LiveChat Integration

This article provides a number of triggers for LiveChat (Live Chat) events in which we can track as Infinity goals. You will require a developer to add these triggers for you, then let us know when you are ready for us to create your goals.

LiveChat Triggers

LiveChat provides five callbacks that can be tracked as Infinity goals:

LiveChat Event Description
On before load Callback function invoked when LC_API object is loaded and ready to use, before the chat window is rendered (not supported with the pop-up chat window).
On after load Callback function invoked when LC_API object is loaded and ready to use, right after the chat window is rendered (not supported with the pop-up chat window).
On chat window opened Callback function invoked when the chat window is opened (not supported with the pop-up chat window).
On chat window minimised Callback function invoked when the chat window is minimised (not supported with the pop-up chat window).
On chat window hidden Callback function invoked when the chat window is hidden (not supported with the pop-up chat window).

To track these LiveChat events as goal, the your web development team would have to add additional scripting to the LiveChat tracking code.

Below shows the additional code that they will need to add.

On Before Load

var LC_API = LC_API || {};
LC_API.on_before_load = function()
_ictt.push(['_customTrigger', 'LIVECHAT_BEFORELOAD']);

On After Load

var LC_API = LC_API || {};
LC_API.on_after_load = function()
_ictt.push(['_customTrigger', 'LIVECHAT_AFTERLOAD']);

On Chat Window Opened

var LC_API = LC_API || {};
LC_API.on_chat_window_opened = function()
_ictt.push(['_customTrigger', 'LIVECHAT_WINDOWOPEN']);

On Chat Window Minimised

var LC_API = LC_API || {};
LC_API.on_chat_window_minimized = function()
_ictt.push(['_customTrigger', 'LIVECHAT_WINDOWMIN']);

On Chat Window Hidden

var LC_API = LC_API || {};
LC_API.on_chat_window_hidden = function()
_ictt.push(['_customTrigger', 'LIVECHAT_WINDOWHIDE']);
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LiveChat Integration

  1. LiveChat Triggers
  1. Getting Started
  2. Enhancing your Installation
  3. Frequently asked questions
  4. Call Management
  5. Number Management
  6. Infinity API