This article details how to set up an Infinity integration with DoubleClick Campaign Manager to provide post-impression call tracking data.
DoubleClick Campaign Manager (DCM) is at the centre of the DoubleClick platform. It re-imagines how marketers and agencies manage the entire scope of their digital marketing efforts by centralising and streamlining ad serving and campaign management activities.
Proving the effectiveness of a display campaign has always been tough. While you can see the volume of impressions you’re delivering and the clicks that result, there’s often limited integration with the other aspects of customer interaction.
Clicks from display ads can be a poor indicator of the overall value that a display ad is delivering. Our integration with DoubleClick Campaign Manager gives marketers greater insight into the real impact their display ads are having, online as well as offline. This includes measuring how effectively your ads are generating offline conversions, such as phone calls, by collecting data on how display ad impressions contribute to the customer acquisition.
The Infinity DoubleClick Campaign Manager integration allows you to reinforce the data that you have in DoubleClick Campaign Manager to include visibility of phone call activity. After automatically posting phone call data via your integration, you can create lists that include and exclude users who have called from various new campaigns. For example, visitors who have called can be excluded from certain ads in the future, or can be retargeted with cross-sell and upsell opportunities.
You'll need to contact your DoubleClick Account Manager to inform them you wish to enable the Infinity & DoubleClick integration. You will then receive an email from your DoubleClick Account Manager asking for confirmation to allow Infinity to send data into your account. Without this access, we won't be able to send data to your DoubleClick Campaign Manager profile.
You'll also need to create a new user on your DoubleClick account so that Infinity has access to insert offline conversions via the API. To keep things tidy, it's recommended by Google that you create both a user role and new user specifically for this purpose.
Creating a new User Role
- Navigate to Admin >> User roles >> New.
- Enter the user role name of "Offline API Access"
- Select "Advertiser/Reporting Login" as the Source user role.
- Deselect all boxes.
- Select Insert offline conversions
- Click Save.

Creating a new User Profile
- Navigate to Admin >> User profiles >> New.
- Enter the email address you'd like to use.
- Enter the profile name "Infinity Access"
- Select your new "Offline API Access" role.
Please note that if the profile id does not have permissions to insert offline conversions, you will need to work with your Google account administrator to update your user profile. Please check for the prerequisites in this conversion guide.
Make sure you have your new DoubleClick user login details to hand (mentioned above). As part of the integration setup process, you'll need to log in to this Google account to give the Infinity platform access to your chosen DoubleClick Campaign Manager profile, and pick values for other settings.
You’ll also need to make sure your Infinity subscription caters for setting up an additional integration. This may be a priced bolt-on for Standard packages, and may be inclusive for Professional and Enterprise packages depending upon the number of integrations you’ve already activated. For more information, please contact the Infinity support team, who will be able to offer advice.
As with most other Infinity integrations, setting up your DoubleClick Campaign Manager integration is a two-step process.
Firstly, in order for your Infinity installation to track visitors and attribute them to display ad impressions or clicks, you’ll need to make some modifications to the JavaScript tracking code on your website, or install it as new if you’re yet to add it anyway.
Following this, you’ll then need to create the integration itself, and choose under what conditions you'd like to send call data to your DoubleClick Campaign Manager account for reporting on later.
In order for your Infinity installation to track visitors and attribute them to display ad impressions or clicks, some extra modifications need to be made to the main Infinity tracking code. If you’re yet to install the main Infinity tracking code to your website, you’ll just need to generate it for the first time, adding the DoubleClick Campaign Manager integration option as you go. If you’ve already got an existing installation, you’ll need to follow the same steps, but overwrite the existing code on your website.
- Log in to the Infinity Portal.
- Navigate to the Admin section of the Portal.
- Select Tracking Settings and then JavaScript.
- Under Select Integrations, tick DoubleClick Campaign Manager, making sure you also tick any integrations you’ve previously activated.

- You’ll then see the code update below in Step 2.

- Copy this code, and either install it as new on your website following the instructions, or replace any existing Infinity tracking code with this version. If you’re new to this process or need more guidance on installing JavaScript, we’ve got it covered in our Knowledge Base.
Now that Infinity is tracking visitors and storing information about clicks and post-impression activity with your DoubleClick Campaign Manager ads, you’ll need to specify which events should be pushed and populated in your reporting, such as calls, conversions and goals.
- Log in to the Infinity Portal.
- Navigate to the Admin section of the Portal.
- Select Integrations.
- At the top of the list of your integrations, select Add Integration.

On the Create Integration page, select DoubleClick Campaign Manager from the Integration Type drop down. You’ll then see the page content change to suit your integration type. Give your integration a name to remember it later.
You'll now need to authorise Infinity to access DoubleClick Campaign Manager. To do this, you'll need to log in to the Google account that's associated with it. Click the Authorise Infinity button.

A new window will appear, listing any Google accounts you're currently signed in to. Alternatively, if you're logged out, you may need to log in.
Enter your username and password for the new user profile you set up earlier.

- You'll then need to confirm that you're happy for Infinity to have access to your associated account.

Click Allow. The window will then refresh and show a confirmation if it was successful. The window will then close automatically, and the previous Authorise Infinity button will disappear.
If you have multiple DoubleClick Campaign Manager profiles, you'll now need to select which one you'd prefer to send Infinity data to. Select the correct and relevant profile from the DCM Profile dropdown. You'll still need to do this even if you only have one.

With your DoubleClick Campaign Manager profile selected, Infinity will then look for any advertisers that are configured within your chosen profile and present these for you to select in the DCM Advertisers dropdown. This will ultimately affect which advertiser is attributed click and post-impression data when calls occur.
Next, Infinity will also look up any Floodlight activities that have been previously set up. You'll need to select a value from the Floodlight Activity dropdown, as this will dictate which activity will take credit for offline conversions, and will serve as an identifier if you wish to pass this data to other DoubleClick platforms such as DS3 . For more information on Floodlight activities, visit the Google DoubleClick support centre. We recommend setting up a specific Floodlight Activity for Infinity offline conversions.

- The final Settings value is Conversion Value. Here, you can choose to send an Infinity stored value as the conversion value or use the Goal Value. Choose the value Not sent if you don't want to send anything, Transaction Value if you're populating the Infinity call data post-call rating or from CRM integrations, or Goal Value if you prefer to use the value assigned to the associated goal.

- Finally, you need to decide what triggers this integration to send its data. This can be based on all calls, certain types of calls or call behaviour, or various parts of the visitor journey. For example, you may want to send only calls that are qualified by certain parameters, such as calls that lasted longer than a certain duration, or calls that have met particular goals along the way. When an event that meets the criteria occurs, Infinity will send the associated data to your profile and tag it with the Floodlight activity and advertiser selected earlier. Use the What to send filtering controls to define these rules.

As a final step you can configure your custom variable mapping. Infinity can send other custom dimensions & metrics into DCM, such as tracking pool name, visitor ID or any other field that Infinity captures with our tracking.
Navigate to the Custom Variable Mappings section
Select Add Custom Dimension
Select an Option from the drop-down list e.g. Visitor ID or Custom Field
Enter the DCM variable you would like to populate in Doubleclick. These are in the format u1, u2 (case sensitive), but you only need to add the number, Infinity will add the u for you.
Repeat to add as many dimensions as you need, up to a maximum of 100 per Floodlight configuration.
Finally, click Save for the new integration. This will return you to the list of previously created integrations on your Infinity Portal, where your new DoubleClick Campaign Manager integration will be automatically enabled.
Adding tags/tracking templates to your DS account is an essential part of this integration.
Please ensure you upgrade your DoubleClick Search account to use Upgraded URLs. Upgrading via DoubleClick will enable you to use the new DoubleClick Search tracking templates without needing to use Infinity’s 'check tagging' mechanism for AdWords and Bing.
If you know that you do not have any URL templates in DS then you can simply add one URL template for each engine account, as shown below:
For Google AdWords accounts, use the following URL template in DS:
For Bing Ads, use this URL template in DS:
If you also have dynamic landing pages (i.e. your landing pages contain “?”) then you should change the “?” in the URL template to “&”.
Please contact Support Team if you have any further questions.
Within our DCM integration, we only send call data, not visitor data.
We would never expect the clicks in DCM to match the number of visits in Infinity, there are many reasons for this but essentially it comes down to the way the two platforms attribute and assign the clicks/visits.
DCM will assign a click value every time the ad is clicked, even if the site does not load or if the link does not work, whereas Infinity will only assign a visit when the page is fully loaded and the Infinity script is ran.
For example, someone clicks on the ad, however they close the browser before the page loads, this will be attributed a click in DCM but not a view in Infinity as the page wasn't loaded and hence neither was the tracking script.
Another example is if the page the ad links to does not load due to bad links, DCM will still see the click but Infinity will not see a visit.
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