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Custom Triggers

This article explains what a Custom Trigger and how it can be used for online goals.

Custom Triggers

To let us know when a point of interest has been hit on your site, you are able to send us a custom trigger so you can see these actions in the visitors trace. Once you have created your Custom Trigger, you will need to let us know the criteria so that we can setup a corresponding goal if you would like to see these actions as goals.

Generic Custom Triggers

A generic custom trigger would be used when you have 1 type of goal but with slightly different criteria each time.

Example of this would be a brochure download of 3 separate brochures that can be downloaded on a website.

You may only want one goal in Infinity of 'Brochure Download' and included into this would be the criteria of which brochure this was.

Here is an example of how a generic custom trigger would look:

_ictt.push(['_customTrigger', 'FORM', {'t':'TITLE OF TRIGGER'}]);

The title of trigger would be the brochure name or information. This would then show as a Brochure Download goal with the specific criteria of the brochure. This enables the goals to be flexible and configurable.

Here is an example if the brochure being downloaded was a 'PPC' brochure:

_ictt.push(['_customTrigger', 'BROCHURE', {'t':'PPC'}]);

Advanced Custom Triggers

For advanced custom triggers you can use the _customTrigger function to send triggers with additional data and custom action names. For instance you may want to fire a trigger with an action of 'SALE' on a payment confirmation page.

To fire a custom trigger simply drop the following snippet onto the page and modify as required.

In this example, the items in UPPER CASE are configurable.

_ictt.push(['_customTrigger', 'SALE', {'t':'TITLE OF TRIGGER','txc':'CURRENCY','txv':'VALUE','txr':'REFERENCE'}]);


The following shows an example of firing in a custom trigger, with an action of SALE, a title of 'Caribbean Cruise' a currency of GBP, a value of 2532.24, and a Transaction Reference of 00aa4rfajdd23Nhd.

_ictt.push(['_customTrigger', 'SALE', {'t':'Caribbean Cruise','txc':'GBP','txv':'2532.24','txr':'00aa4rfajdd23Nhd'}]);

Reserved Actions

The following action values (sent in the act field) are reserved and will be rejected if sent to the event API.

  • land - used for identifying marketing sources.
  • page - used for in-page tracking.
  • call - used for call and real-time call event tracking (includes any action code beginning with "call", e.g. "callconfirm", "calllead", etc.

Tracking Within an iFrame

In some cases you may need to perform tracking of custom triggers within an iFrame. Infinity does not make any changes to the standard JavaScript method of working with an iFrame.

If you are tracking in the parent page, and wish to track in an iFrame, you can just access the parent window, then track your custom trigger as normal.

For example To fire a Custom Trigger of SALE, with various other properties from your iFrame you would do the following;

window.parent._ictt.push(['_customTrigger', 'SALE', {'t':'TITLE OF TRIGGER','txc':'CURRENCY','txv':'VALUE','txr':'REFERENCE'}]);

Tracking a mailto: link

Here's an example of how to fire a custom trigger on a mailto: link

<a onclick="_ictt.push(['_customTrigger', 'EMAIL', {'t':'Enquiry'}]);" href=mailto:email@company.com>Email</a>
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Custom Triggers

  1. Custom Triggers

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