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Criteo Integration

This article introduces Infinity's integration with Criteo and how to configure it.

What is Criteo?

Criteo’s performance display technology delivers personalised recommendations (via banners) to a user, based on intent data such as products they have previously viewed or purchased.

Infinity’s integration with Criteo enables clients to link phone calls back to the Criteo activities that drove the call, giving them a more complete view of the impact of their Criteo campaigns.

How does the Criteo integration work?

When an end user who has clicked a Criteo link visits that site and makes a subsequent phone call, we will record that call as an offline event and pass it into Criteo, so clients are able to link phone calls back the Criteo activity that helped drive the call and see the full impact of their Criteo activity.

Creating a Criteo integration

Setting up your Criteo integration is a simple process with just two steps:

  1. Adding the JavaScript
  2. Configuring the Integration in Infinity

The first step is to update the Infinity JavaScript snippet on your web pages to include the Criteo code. Then you can configure the integration and determine what data you’d like to send into Criteo.

Step 1 - Adding the JavaScript

  • In order for us to capture the user ID of the Criteo visitor, we need to add some Criteo-specific code to the Infinity JavaScript on your website, to capture the cookies.
  • The code will capture the Criteo User ID as a custom variable.
  • To update the JavaScript snippet, Log in to the Infinity Portal, navigate to the Admin section, select Tracking Settings and JavaScript.
  • Select the Criteo integration using the checkbox in Step 1 of the JavaScript generator. This will add the Criteo script to the Infinity code, an example is shown below

Criteo JS Generator.png

This will add the code needed for the Criteo integration into the code generator box. Then simply copy and paste the updated code onto your website pages, you can click copy to clipboard in the top right corner of the code generator to help you.

<!-- Criteo Infinity Integration -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function ictCriteoIntegration() {
            // This URL includes Infinity's Criteo GUM ID, please do not modify
            _ictt.push(['_dropScriptTag', 'gum.criteo.com/sync?c=320&r=2&a=1&j=ictSetCriteoUserId']);

        function ictSetCriteoUserId(data) {
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('userid')) {
                _ictt.push(['_setCustomVar', ['criteoUserId', data.userid]]);
<!-- Criteo Infinity Integration End -->
<!-- Infinity Tracking Code v1.20
 Copyright Infinity 2018
 www.infinitycloud.com -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    var _ictt = _ictt || [];
    _ictt.push(['_setIgrp','XXXX']); // Installation ID
(function() {
    var ict = document.createElement('script'); ict.type = 'text/javascript'; ict.async = true;
    ict.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + 'ict.infinity-tracking.net/js/nas.v1.min.js';
    var scr = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; scr.parentNode.insertBefore(ict, scr);
<!-- Infinity Tracking Code End -->

The revised code should be placed just before the closing </head> tag element within each page of the website as this will allow for the fastest execution.

Configuring your Criteo integration

Step 2 - Configure the integration in Infinity

  • Log in to the Infinity Portal, navigate to the Admin section, and select Integrations.
  • At the top of the list of your integrations, select Add Integration, and choose Criteo from the drop down. Please note that this is a chargeable integration, additional charges will apply.
  • First you need to give your integration a name. It is called Criteo by default but you can edit it. Choose something that you'll easily be able to identify later.
  • Enter your Account ID. This will link the call events to your data Criteo account when they are sent by Infinity.
  • As an optional step, select an option from the Value Field to pass a value into Criteo. This can be a transaction value, goal value or no value, which is labelled as Not Sent in the dropdown. These transaction and goal values need to be captured in your Infinity installation using Call Ratings or CRM events.

Criteo Integration Config.png

  • We will pass all calls into Criteo by default, but this can be changed as required using the options in What do you want to send. You may choose to only send calls that meet a goal, for example.
  • Conversion events should be visible within Criteo shortly afterwards, but this could take a few hours.

Viewing the data in Criteo

Viewing the data in the Criteo dashboard is quick and easy.

  • Log in to the Management Centre at https://marketing.criteo.com.
  • If you have more than one account, select the one you want to view using the dropdown.
  • Navigate to the bottom of the page and click the Transaction ID Report and choose Raw data(.csv) to download a csv export of all the transactions.

Criteo Dashboard TXID Report.png

  • Open the csv file and you can filter the Transaction ID column to view the Infinity transactions. They're easy to identify as they all have the prefix Infinity.
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  1. Getting Started
  2. Enhancing your Installation
  3. Frequently asked questions
  4. Call Management
  5. Number Management
  6. Infinity API