This article will explain to you what Auto Discovery Numbers are, how they work, how to set them up and how to update them easily in your Portal.
Our Auto Discovery code looks for phone numbers in your site that are wrapped in an element, and have the InfinityNumber class on them. Please see example below:
<span class="InfinityNumber">01234 567890</span>
The phone number(s) that are found are then looked up against the configuration of your tracking pool(s) to see which one to use. You configure the tracking pool(s) Auto Discovery numbers on the JavaScript Config page of the Portal.
Once the Tracking Pool(s) to use has/have been discovered, a dynamic number is assigned for each one, and the dynamic number replaces the contents of the element in question.
The below is an example of the Auto Discovery code which will go into the <head>
of your website :
This is demonstration code only. Do not use in production.
Please use the code generator in the Infinity Portal at:
<!-- Infinity Tracking Code v2.0
Copyright Infinity 2015 -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var _ictt = _ictt || [];
_ictt.push(['_setIgrp','XXX']); // Installation ID
(function() {
var ict = document.createElement('script'); ict.type = 'text/javascript'; ict.async = true;
ict.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + '';
var scr = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; scr.parentNode.insertBefore(ict, scr);
<!-- Infinity Tracking Code End -->
An Auto Discovery Number is the phone number you have set in your Portal, this will correspond to the number on your website you have wrapped in an element, and has the InfinityNumber class on it. Please see example below:
<span class="InfinityNumber">01234 567890</span>
You will set one phone number per Tracking Pool, each phone number must be unique.
Step 1
Navigate to the JavaScript Config Page of your Call Tracking Portal
Step 2
For each tracking pool enter the number you would like us to search the page for.
Make sure you have entered the number as it is with no space, formatting or international prefixes. Remember, this number must be unique per tracking pool, example below:

If you have more than 20 tracking pools, please click the drop down to load the next set of tracking pools.
Step 3
Select Save!
Once you start to see the numbers updating on your page you will know that the dynamic numbers are working.
You can update your Auto Discovery Numbers at any time.
Step 1
Navigate to the JavaScript Config Page of your Call Tracking Portal
Note: if you have more than 10 Tracking Pools you will be asked to configure your numbers within the Tracking Pools Editor screen.
Step 2
For each tracking pool enter the number you would like us to search the page for.
Make sure you have entered the number as it is with no space, formatting or international prefixes. Remember, this number must be unique per tracking pool, example below:

Step 3
Select Save!
Once you start to see the numbers updating on your page you will know that the dynamic numbers are working.
The destination number and the auto discovery number are sometimes the same, but not always. This is your choice.
The destination number goes into one field on the tracking pool (DGRP) settings, and this tells us where to route the phone calls to (for example, your call centre, your sales team, your customer service team, etc.)
The auto discovery number goes into a different field, and this tells our code where to serve up phone numbers on your website. Whichever number is placed in the auto discovery field must match the number on the website in order to activate website call tracking.

For example, ‘1234’ could go into the autodiscovery field, it would serve up phone numbers anywhere on the website that '1234' is placed inside the Infinity number class. It doesn’t have to be a ‘real’ phone number, it is just telling our code where to deliver the phone numbers on the website. If you have multiple tracking pools (DGRPs), then you will need to have multiple auto discovery numbers so that our JavaScript is able to serve the correct phone numbers to the correct place.
We always recommend having a real phone number as the auto discovery number (not 1234!), in case visitors have their cookies or JavaScript disabled, so that there is still a legitimate phone number for customers to call in this scenario. Therefore, you may choose to put your destination number here too, as the backup phone number.
However, any calls going directly to the destination number are not tracked by Infinity, so some clients will opt for an Infinity 'fall back number' to be assigned. Embedding a fall back number into the number class will ensure that every website call comes through Infinity reports. Any calls to this number will be tracked, as it is hosted by Infinity, but the marketing source will state ‘Unknown’ due to lack of cookie data.
N.B. a fall back number is a fixed number, designed purely for embedding in the Infinity number class. It should not be given out to any customers, or the statistics for the 'Unknown' channel will be affected. Fall back numbers can be created for your account our Support Team upon request.
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